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Archroma Ordering Guide
How do I order Custom Color Standards for Brands and Retailers?
  1.  Login to your account.  Go to the networking menu, select Discover.  Search for or select the retailer's card.
  2.  In the "Submit Network Request" Screen, click submit, and Log out of
  • The retailer will be notified of your desire to purchase their Custom Color Standards and you will be notified via email once this is approved.  
  • Archroma does not approve these requests so please contact the retailer if your request is not processed or declined.
  1.  Once Approved, the category will be visible on the home page when you log into
  • To find the specific color, you may search by color name in the top search bar, or browse colors by selecting the category card. 

For additional information on setting up an account, placing an order, viewing shipping costs and information, please see the additional FAQs in this Archroma Ordering Guide. 

How do I Order?
  1. Add products to your cart.
  2. When ready to checkout, click “Your Cart”, Login if prompted.
  3. Click “Begin Checkout” and select/create “Ship To” address.
    • A navigation trail that details the steps to checkout is present.
      • Shopping Cart > Shipping > Payment > Review > Confirmation
  4.  Select the address and choose “Continue” to move to the Payment Screen
  5. Enter Billing Address (if different) and credit card payment information. 
    • On this screen are estimated shipping charges. 
    • In the “Review” screen you will have the option to ship the order “Complete” or to allow “Partial/Multiple” shipments.  This selection may result in multiple shipping charges.  
    • Select “Continue” to move to the “Review” screen
  6. On the “Review” screen, verify your shipping and billing addresses, and the products you intend to order. 
    • Choose to Ship items as they become available or Group into one shipment. 
    • If you have items in your cart that must ship from different locations, you will see a message before continuing.
  7. Read the Terms and Conditions, and check the “Agree” box. 
  8. Click “Place Your Order”

For assistance, please contact us via:

Shipment tracking number, status, and invoice(s)
  • Visit
  • Login to your account, in the upper right, click "Your Account" and then "Your Orders"
  • The Status of your order is shown in the order card for the appropriate order number.
  • From the order card you may: 
    • Click on order details for order specific information including request to re-send .qtx files (for up to 60 days from order shipment).
    • Click on shipments to view tracking number and Invoices
Shipping Cost

Shipping Cost Per Shipment (NOT PER ORDER).  For Fed-Ex priority overnight envelope for up to 30 color standards or equivalent amount of product.  Additional charges apply for larger quantities.  

  • From US to US:  $17.75
  • From US to any other Country:  $57
  • From China to China:  $7.85 (FedEx Account Number not Applicable)
  • From China to Hong Kong: $17.75
  • From China to any other Country:  $58
    • The above is for Fed-Ex priority overnight envelope for up to 30 color standards or equivalent amount of product. 
    • Larger orders will incur relative larger freight expense. 
  • Engineered Color Standards Ship from both US and China
  • There are some products that only ship from 1 location. 
    • Design Tools - Ship only from China
    • Color Atlas by Archroma - Ship only from US
    • Color Atlas Book Swatches - Ship only from US

Prices per set for Color Atlas book set (6 volumes):

  •  $300 to US locations.  $392 to all other locations +Tax, Customs Duties, VAT
  • 6 Volume Set Shipping Box: 53 lbs, 22 in x 17 in x 15 in / 24kg, 56 cm x 44 cm x 38 cm

Prices per set for Color Atlas Compact Edition (all 4,320 colors in 2 books):

  • $92 to US locations.  $163.50 to all other locations +Tax, Customs Duties, VAT

Prices per set for Polyester Color Atlas set (all 1,440 colors in 2 books):

  • $150to US locations.  $167to all other locations +Tax, Customs Duties, VAT


For assistance, please contact us via:

Unlocking Your Account
Help! Is this order 2?
This should be the second question
How do I unlock my account?

An account will lock after 5 failed login attempts.

To resolve:

  • Close your browser.
  • Log back in after  5 minutes. 
  • Delete your browser's cookies if you cannot login after following the steps above.





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